Longest Valid Parentheses – Leetcode 32 Solution

The Longest Valid Parentheses Leetcode problem is a classic string problem that tests your ability to work with parentheses and logic structures. Here’s the problem statement: Given a string containing just the characters ‘(‘ and ‘)’, find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring. This blog post will walk you through several approaches … Read more

Next Permutation-Leetcode 31 Solution

The Next Permutation problem (LeetCode #31) involves rearranging a sequence of numbers into its next lexicographical permutation. If the sequence is already the largest possible permutation, it should be rearranged into the smallest (sorted in ascending order). Below is a detailed breakdown of the approaches to solve this problem, from naive to optimal, with Java … Read more

Divide Two Integers-Leetcode 29 Solution

The “Divide Two Integers“ problem on LeetCode challenges you to implement division between two integers without using multiplication, division, or modulus operators. The task also requires handling edge cases, such as overflow and truncation towards zero. This blog will cover all approaches, from naive to optimal, with Java implementations. Problem Description for Divide Two Integers … Read more

Lesson 1: What is Structured Query Language? DDL,DML,DCL,TCL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the backbone of modern database systems, playing a crucial role in storing, managing, and retrieving data. Whether you’re developing a web application, managing an e-commerce site, or analyzing business data, SQL is the key to unlocking the power of your data. Let’s explore what Structured Query Language (SQL) is, its … Read more

Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String

LeetCode problem 28, “Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String“, asks us to locate the first index of a given substring (needle) in another string (haystack). If the substring is not found, we return -1. This is a classic problem in string searching with multiple approaches ranging from basic brute force to … Read more

Remove Element-Leetcode 27 Solution

The Remove Element problem is a classic LeetCode challenge. The task is to remove all occurrences of a specified value (val) from an integer array nums in-place and return the count of the remaining elements. Here’s a comprehensive guide to solving the problem, covering all approaches from naive to optimal. Problem Statement Given an integer … Read more

Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array-Leetcode 26 Solution

The “Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array” problem is a classic exercise on LeetCode that tests your ability to manipulate arrays efficiently. The task involves removing duplicate elements from a sorted array and returning the length of the modified array without using extra space for another array. This guide explores multiple approaches, from naive to optimal, … Read more

Square root of an integer

Finding the square root of an integer is a common problem in programming, especially when designing algorithms for mathematics, gaming, or simulations. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to compute the square root of an integer efficiently in Java. We will cover various approaches, from the naive method to more optimized algorithms like Binary … Read more

Count Inversions of an Array

Counting inversions in an array is a fundamental problem in computer science and programming interviews. This guide will explain what array inversions are, the significance of solving this problem, and different approaches to count inversions of an array in Java. What are Inversions in an Array? An inversion in an array is a pair of … Read more

Swap Nodes in Pairs – LeetCode 24 Solution

If you’re a LeetCode enthusiast or just starting out, you might have encountered the problem Swap Nodes in Pairs (LeetCode 24). This is a classic problem that involves swapping adjacent nodes in a linked list. Understanding how to solve this problem is crucial for mastering linked list manipulation and performing well in coding interviews. In … Read more