Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Leetcode 4

median of two sorted arrays

Finding the median of two sorted arrays is a classic problem in computer science and competitive programming. It is particularly interesting due to its constraints, which encourage an efficient solution rather than a simple brute-force approach. In this article, we’ll cover different methods to solve this problem, including their pros and cons, and provide Java … Read more

Add Two Numbers Represented as Linked List | Leetcode 2

Add Two Numbers

The LeetCode Problem 2: Add Two Numbers is a classic linked list problem, and it’s a common interview question for testing algorithmic and coding skills. This problem can be solved in multiple ways, starting from a brute force approach to more optimized solutions. In this article, we’ll walk through various solutions, starting from the most … Read more

Leetcode 189 – Rotate Array | 3 Approaches

Leetcode 189 - Rotate Array

Problem Description: Given an integer array nums, rotate the array to the right by k steps, where k is non-negative. Example 1: Example 2: Constraints: Problem Link : Rotate Array – LeetCode Solution(s): Approach 1: Using temporary array Java Code: Complexity: Approach 2 : In-Place Java Code : Complexity: