Merge K Sorted Lists – LeetCode 23 Solution

Merge K Sorted Lists - LeetCode 23 Solution

The LeetCode 23 problem, “Merge K Sorted Lists,” is a classic example that tests your ability to implement optimized algorithms for merging lists. Let’s explore the problem statement, analyze its solutions, and discuss their time and space complexities. Problem Statement for Merge K Sorted Lists You are given an array of k linked lists, where … Read more

Longest Common Prefix | Leetcode 14 Solution

The Longest Common Prefix problem on Leetcode is a classic string manipulation problem. Here’s the problem statement: Problem Statement: Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.If there is no common prefix, return an empty string “”. Examples: Example 1: Example 2: Naive Solution: Compare Characters Iteratively Approach: … Read more