Module 1: Introduction to HTML

  • Lesson 1: What is HTML?
    • Definition and role of HTML in web development
    • Brief history of HTML and its evolution
  • Lesson 2: Setting Up Your Development Environment
    • Selecting a text editor (VS Code, Sublime Text, etc.)
    • Installing a web browser and developer tools
    • Creating and saving HTML files
  • Lesson 3: Basic HTML Document Structure
    • Understanding the HTML document layout
      • <html>, <head>, <body> tags
    • Declaring the document type (<!DOCTYPE html>)
    • Overview of meta tags and their significance

Module 2: Text and Formatting

  • Lesson 1: Working with Headings and Paragraphs
    • Using headings: <h1> to <h6>
    • Creating paragraphs: <p>
  • Lesson 2: Text Formatting Tags
    • Importance of text formatting
    • Tags for bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, and small text
    • Using <blockquote> for quotes
  • Lesson 3: Line Breaks and Horizontal Rules
    • Using <br> for line breaks
    • Creating horizontal lines with <hr>

Module 3: Lists and Links

  • Lesson 1: Creating Lists
    • Unordered lists: <ul>, <li>
    • Ordered lists: <ol>, <li>
    • Description lists: <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
  • Lesson 2: Adding Links
    • Creating hyperlinks using the <a> tag
    • Understanding the href attribute
    • Linking to external and internal pages
    • Using anchor links within a page

Module 4: Images and Multimedia

  • Lesson 1: Adding Images
    • Using the <img> tag and attributes (src, alt)
    • Best practices for images (format, size, accessibility)
  • Lesson 2: Embedding Multimedia
    • Adding audio with the <audio> tag
    • Adding video with the <video> tag
    • Basic controls and attributes for multimedia elements

Module 5: Tables and Data

  • Lesson 1: Creating Tables
    • Using <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td> tags
    • Table attributes (border, cellpadding, cellspacing)
    • Merging cells with colspan and rowspan
  • Lesson 2: Accessibility in Tables
    • Using headers for improved accessibility
    • Implementing summary and scope attributes

Module 6: Forms and Input Elements

  • Lesson 1: Understanding Forms
    • Creating forms with the <form> tag
    • Understanding form action and method attributes
  • Lesson 2: Input Elements
    • Overview of different input types (text, password, email, checkbox, radio, etc.)
    • Using labels and placeholders
    • Creating buttons: <button>, <input type="submit">, <input type="reset">
  • Lesson 3: Form Validation
    • Using HTML5 attributes for validation (required, pattern, min, max)
    • Introduction to client-side validation

Module 7: Semantic HTML

  • Lesson 1: Importance of Semantic HTML
    • Definition and benefits of semantic HTML
    • Overview of semantic tags: <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, <nav>
  • Lesson 2: Implementing Semantic HTML
    • Best practices for structuring content with semantic tags
    • Enhancing accessibility and SEO with semantic markup

Module 8: HTML5 Features

  • Lesson 1: New Elements and APIs in HTML5
    • Overview of new elements: <canvas>, <progress>, <meter>
    • Introduction to the Geolocation API
  • Lesson 2: Using Web Storage
    • Understanding localStorage and sessionStorage
    • Examples of storing and retrieving data

Module 9: Project Development

  • Lesson 1: Planning Your Project
    • Project ideas for practice (e.g., personal webpage, blog layout)
    • Structuring your project files and folders
  • Lesson 2: Hands-On Project
    • Building a multi-page website incorporating all learned elements
    • Adding styles and interactivity using CSS and basic JavaScript (if applicable)

Module 10: Review and Next Steps

  • Lesson 1: Course Recap
    • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
    • Discussing common challenges and troubleshooting tips
  • Lesson 2: Further Learning Resources
    • Suggested books, websites, and tutorials for continued learning
    • Introduction to CSS and JavaScript for a more comprehensive web development journey